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Our Work

At MW Entertainment, we believe in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Our team of developers and designers are constantly exploring new ideas and concepts to create games that are both unique and engaging.


We value collaboration and believe that the best ideas come from working together. Our team is made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, all working together towards a common goal.


We understand the importance of building a strong community around our games. We strive to create games that bring people together and offer a shared experience that can be enjoyed by all. Check out our latest projects.

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Knuckle Mania Baseball

A casual mobile hybrid baseball game currently available in its Beta release for Android and iOS.  Step up to the plate to earn points, diamonds, card matching, in-game currency in a quest to build 27 stadia like puzzles and ascend to coveted Hall of Fame status. 


Down The Gullet

Experience Exciting Exercise Physiology, Nutrition Science, Arcade Games and Slot Machines with Down The Gullet App. Immerse yourself in a world of nutrition and explore unique worlds filled with challenges and rewards. Experience the ultimate gaming experience!

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Musical Hares

An educational/casual game concept about music theory and appreciation. The components of the game are still a work in progress, however, some of the initial ideas of the game focus on character creation, puzzles, fact cards, and multiplayer engagement. 

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